Thursday, May 29, 2008
I spent my fucking weekend sanding and polishing tools, bored to death, and this was going on 40 MILES FROM HERE?!
*headdesk again*
1. Sukupuoli? Nainen
2. Ikä? 27
3. Mitä konsoleita & pcitä omistat? Tavan pc, kannettava Fujitsu Siemens sekä Playstationit 1 ja 2.
4. Missä asut? Keskellä ei-mitään, Englannissa. Tällä hetkellä...
5. Millaisessa talossa? Ikivanhassa kartanossa.
6. Kuinka nopeasti kirjoitat? Aika nopeasti.
7. Kuinka nörtti olet? Koko ajan enemmän ja enemmän...
8. Harrastukset? Lukeminen, kirjoittaminen, piirtely, elokuvat, tosin tällä hetkellä en paljon ehdi/jaksa harrastella.
9. Mitä pelaat tällä hetkellä eniten? En mitään. ;__; FF7 kutsuu taas kunhan kotiin pääsen...
10. Kuinka kauan sitten tulit tietokoneen ääreen? 15 minuuttia sitten kun sain työt tehtyä.
11. Pituus? 163-165cm, en muista tarkalleen.
12. Paino? Liikaa >__>
13. Silmien väri? Harmahtavat.
14. Horoskooppi? Kauris.
15. Lemmikkieläimet? Pari kissaa joita on kova ikävä.
16. Minkä kirjan luit viimeksi? Andrew Greig: That summer
17. Minkä leffan katsoit viimeksi? Eilen näin Kummisetä-leffan viimoset 15 minuuttia.
18. Kuinka monta limonaatipulloa näet tällä hetkellä? Ei yhtään.
19. Koska viimeksi söit roskaruokaa? En kyllä muista.
20. Kesän lempijäätelösi? Taitaa mullakin olla se lakritsi. ^^
21. Minkä pelin ostit viimeksi? Hmm... Kingdom Hearts 2.
22. Mikä on kaukaisin paikka jossa olet käynyt tänä vuonna? Lontoo.
23. Kaukaisin paikka jossa olet käynyt koskaan? Venetsia.
24. Mitä radioasemaa kuuntelet mieluiten? En mitään.
25. Koska viimeksi kävit vapaaehtoisesti ulkona? Tunti sitten.
26. Jos olisit supersankari, mikä olisi voimasi? Lentäminen.
27. Noudatatko mitään erikoisruokavaliota? Kasvissyöjä.
28. Mitä nettiselainta käytät netissä surffailuun? Mozilla Firefox
29. Poltatko/juotko? Juon joskus harvoin.
30. Lempinäyttelijä? Sanotaan Ewan McGregor, on niitä muitakin.
31. Lempipeli? Final Fantasy VII. Always and forever. ^^
32. Lempibändi ja kappale? Ei ole yhtä lempibändiä. Lauluista X Japanin Art of Life.
33. Mikä on seuraava peliostos? FF7 – Crisis Core on harkinnassa. Pitäs vaan ostaa PSP sitä varten.
34. Lempiruoka? Sushi. ^^
35. Mitä elokuvaa odotat nyt? Taitaa se neljäs Indiana Jones olla.
36. Nettisi nopeus? Emmäätiijä...
37. Kengänkoko? 39.
38. Uskotko Jumalaan? Enpä pahemmin.
39. Mottosi? Life’s a beach and then you learn to write.
40. Irc-galleria / ii2-nickisi? Sehän se galleriassa vanha irkkinikki on.
41. Suosikki TV-ohjelma? Dexter! 8D plus Mullan alla, Babylon 5.
42. Koska viimeksi kävit elokuvateatterissa? Viime vuonna, taisi olla Stardust.
43. Lempi kouluaine? Kuvaamataito
44. Mitä keräilet? Sarjakuvia, action figuureita... en paljon muuta.
45. Oletko oikea- vai vasenkätinen? Oikea.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Spam spam spam spam
Pissing with rain for about the third day in a row. Luckily the weather was nice yesterday while I was in Reading. Ah, British weather.
Changing Sun-kissed update schedule into weekly since that's far more realistic than daily. Not that it seems to have any readers... *cries* heh.
Can't for the life of me remember what else I was going to write, and since it hasn't come to me in the ten minutes I've spent staring at the screen, I'll leave it until the next time. Bye!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sir Spamalot here, g'day!
of a story that is patently absurd"
Amen, Nick. Amen.
Dig, Lazarus, dig!!! sounds quite good. But Mr. Cave's moustache... he he he...
Half past one now, bedtime soon. I hope.
"one day I'll buy a factory & I'll assemble y/
on a production line"
...that moustache... bet it tickles.
Continuation of the last one...
I'm hungry.
44 more days...
Reading from Reading
I'd already bought a few pairs on my last trip to London, so I just went on a spending spree in the big mall called the Oracle. I bought some neat things for the X-gig: wrist warmers and a choker necklace; two dvd's: The Elephant Man and second 'season' of Hamish MacBeth; Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds' Dig, Lazarus, dig!!! -album (haven't listened yet but by the lyrics booklet, looks very interesting; and a few books, Jeff Lindsay's Darkly Dreaming Dexter and Dearly Devoted Dexter plus M. C. Beaton's Death of a Dentist. That last one is one of the Hamish MacBeth series, and if you haven't seen the tv-show you've missed out! It's got Robert Carlyle, and he's always good. Except when he played Hitler. Oh, he played the part well, but you know what I mean...
Oh, I also bought... *drumroll* CHOCOLATE! From a place called Hotel Chocolat. Shelves and shelves full of all kinds of chocolaty goodness. I'm surprised they didn't have buckets all over the place to catch all the drool in.
The Oracle is only about five minute's walk away from the Reading train station, but there is still room for the city's only (at least that's what they claim) sushi restaurant on the way. And they make real good sushi there. Have to go and eat properly there next time, this time I just took a few cucumber bits as takeaway since had to get back here. Now it's after midnight, it's raining heavily outside, and I'm writing this while fighting with few drives and bridge port, since it apparently bloody well cannot wait until tomorrow morning. Bah.
Wish I had that chocolate here... *drools a little*
44 days to go!
Oh yeah, I told the boss last Wednesday that I won't be coming back when I go home in July. And today she started to ask why I want to go back to Finland, what's there for me, what my plans are. And that I am needed here. I know that, and I do feel rotten about leaving, in a way. But I need to go home. To get out. For one, it's half past midnight and I'm fighting with a fucking bridgeport! I've been here near six months by now, and I've been out of the house & village four times. I've not had a single proper day off since I started here. I've no time and very little urge to draw or write anything. And when I do get the urge, five minutes into it and I have to go and do something. I need my fucking life back, thank you!
So yes. I am going home and staying there.
Right now I have to go outside into the pouring fucking rain and take the bloody poppy seeds in. So, bye for now.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
~48 days to go!
Well, it worked yesterday. No one's yet tried whether it still works today...
I started to put up one of my stories onto the net. You can read it here:
it's also linked on the front page of this blog. Correctly, this time. I wrote the address incorrectly at first and took me two days to realize it. Updating schedule is (tentatively) supposed to follow the days in the story, so first actual part coming today, the next on Wednesday. After that I'll try to keep it up, but I've only written a few days of it. Well, a timetable should be enough reason to get my ass writing. If I have enough free time. And that's a big IF.
Umm, what else... I feel much better about being here now that I know the end of this gig is really coming, and not too far away. And especially because the bosses seem so cool about me leaving and not coming back. I was terrified about telling them.
Right-o. I think that's it for now.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Psst! Your geek is showing...
If you don't get that one, you're not as obsessed with numbers as I am. I've actually been waiting for this day since... oh, 2005, I think. Just to pull that quote.
In other news, I told one of my bosses yesterday that I won't be coming back here once I go home in July. She took it quite well. I don't know if the other one knows yet. But 10th of July is now officially the latest that I shall be working here. Woot! Less than 50 days to go!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pop Quiz!
a) First time Monday morning;
b) Tuesday afternoon;
c) Any time during normal working hours;
d) Between 10 and 11 Friday evening?
Anyone who answered d is welcome to this job. You can claim your prize at any time. Pls hurry, though.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
London again!
Went to Harrods first to get the bosses what they needed, and got utterly lost in there. Nice place, though. Bought some souvenirs for peeps at home. Then I walked over to the corner of Hyde Park and sat on the bank of the Serpentine for a while, eating some chocolate. It was a cloudy, gray day after about a week or two of sunshine and warmth.
From Hyde Park I headed back to Knightsbridge tube station and traveled to Westminster. Coming out of the station this was what I saw:

...and in it!

And, because you asked for it, N, me. Hello!

After half an hour of going around slowly in the Eye it was time to start heading back. So tubed it to Paddington, where I bought sushi (yum!), a small map book of London streets, and some sweets. The wasabi really went to my nose, as always. But it was good. Yum yum. Train was in time and full, had to stand most of the way. And when I got a seat, I nearly fell asleep and could have happily dozed past my stop.
Now it's evening again, raining a little after a nice good shower. Feet are hurting and I'm quite tired, but it has been a nice day, even though I couldn't enjoy London fully, since these 'days off' always come with a deadline: have to be back then and then to do this and that in the evening. I haven't had a full day off since I started here. But just a few more weeks to go! X Japan is in Paris on the 5th of July, and after that I go home or come back here only just for a few days. We'll see. Freedom will come!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Wait... WHAT?!
They are coming to Paris in July?!?!
My brain just broke down. It is oozing out of my ears in little squealing pieces.
Obviously hide won't be playing, and it won't be the same without him, but...
Hot diggity damn.
I must see about going to see this gig. I mean, shit. Paris is like next door.
I just watched Art of Life live and thought I'd check this old fan page for X and there it stands in big pink letters.
If I don't stop grinning soon, the top of my head will fall off.
I can do handstands too!
In other news, the temperature here was about 24 Celcius with barely any clouds. I walked down to the post office in sandals and a t-shirt. And some pants as well. Not bad for the beginning of May.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
This is exactly how I like to spend my Saturday afternoons and evenings. Who cares about spending quality time with friends and family or -god forbid- resting on a day off (what's that? A whole unknown phrase in this workplace!). No, it's vacuuming tons of dog hair that I love to do!
And do you know what I'm gonna be doing tomorrow? That's right, boys and girls! WORKING! Yaaaaaaaaaaay!
Please excuse me while I go and choke on all this sarcasm, and pull out a small witch from my ass.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Roliga Vappen!

Crikey, tomorrow it's been 10 years since hide died. So about five years since I first heard of his music and became a fan. Time sure flies... speaking of time and flying, yesterday was day #135, if I remember correctly. Right now it looks like I'll be heading home around 10th of July.
Every time I see a plane flying over I long to be in it. And since we're not too far from one of the big airports near London, a lot of planes fly over us. Not too long to go!