The following contains spoilers for Final Fantasy VII - Crisis Core. If you are playing it or are going to play it, be warned. Although... anyone who's played FF7 knows how this one ends...
Finished Crisis Core last night. Haven't cried that much over a fictional character since the final episode of Six feet under. *weeps* Next, I'm gonna start Final Fantasy VII once again! Yay! Then give Dirge of Cerberus another go. It was nice enough when I first got it, but FPS games aren't really my thing. Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside...
The ending was just... horrible. At least it felt like it. I mean the final battle, when Zack leaves Cloud behind and goes to fight the Shinra army. I was already crying by then... <__< all the more when I had to fight those bastards! And the DMW started to go and the enemy just keeps coming and you know Zack's going to die and you still have to fight those fuckers... and then when the three gunners approach him, all beaten and bloody, and they just shoot at him and now I'm gonna cry again soon...
But then I realized why the fighting. I mean, of course he will fight them. He doesn't know he's going to die. He needs to save Cloud and get to Aeris. So of course he fights. But why the player also has tofight (through the tears even)? Because. He won't just lie down and give up. The player's been with him through the whole game, and will fight with him to the bittersweet end.
The ending video was beautiful. And made me cry. *bawl*
...had to dig it up...
*bawls some more*
Ok, enough of that.
So, first day of work done. First hour, to be exact: translated four pages of legalese from Finnish to English in one hour! New personal record. I had forgotten a lot of the words, though, so the pages are riddled with Finnish. Few more hours of work again tomorrow, then hopefully no more this week.
Too bad I got somewhere to be tonight or else I'd likely start FF7 right now. But no, starting print making class again tonight! I can't remember what taidegrafiikka exactly is in English... you know, the stuff with etchings, paints, making pictures on copper and whatnot and printing them on paper... anyhoo, that's what I'm going to be doing every Tuesday evening from six to nine until next spring, unless I decide to move somewhere far, far away. I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life, that's for sure. And it would be easy to move now-ish, when I don't have a proper job or an apartment or anything.
So... a lot to think about. Oh, and have to finish tomorrow's chapter of Sun-kissed. It's almost done. ^^ About bloody time, too!
Oh yeah... being a collector of action figures... why the hell won't they make one of Zack?! I demand one! Now! My collection has a Zack-shaped hole in it!