Friday, October 31, 2008
Adventures in permanent ink
I've been wanting a tattoo since I was quite young, but I never could decide on the picture. A few years ago I did find the perfect picture, and now it's finally on my hip. A bit achy, red and swollen still, so no photos yet.
Meant to get it done last year already, when N and I were in Oulu for a few days, but the tattooist there called us a few hours before our appointment that she'd missed the train she had a ticket for, and didn't have money for another ticket. So no can do. I decided to get it done later, but then that whole trip to England happened.
Now, soon after getting back, I decided that if I'm not getting tattooed NOW I'll never get it done. So I went to the local Igor's to ask about prices and such, and the guy said he could do it right there and then. Too bad that I didn't have time then; we agreed that he'd do it on the 13th.
13th arrived, and as I was walking to the tattoo place, he calls me and says he can't do it then. So we agree on Wednesday the 15th. Uh oh, I have to spend all of the following day in a seminar, and going to a friend for the rest of the week after that. Ok, let's move it to the 20th, then.
20th arrives, and... yeah. X) I'm at work, and the tattooist calls me that he's halfway across Finland and his car broke down, and therefore he won't make it here for 4 o'clock, so how about at six? I had already promised to be somewhere at six, but after several text messages I call him back, ok, at six it is then.
Few hours later he calls me again to say that his car is still not working, so how about when he makes it back here? I'll get the tattoo at half price. All right then.
A week passes and no word from him, so on Tuesday I went to the tattoo place, and the piercing girl made me an appointment with him on Friday at noon.
Friday arrived... I slept in since no work today, woo! and waited for the phone to ring and the whole deal to be postponed again. But, not this time. ^^
It didn't hurt as much as I would have thought... some spots did, and some I didn't even feel. Lying in that dentist's chair just made me sleepy. And I'm happy with it. ^^
Happy Halloween! \o/
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's like riding a chocobo!

DING! Ilmyra hit lvl 30, and with the monetary help of J, got herself her very first mount. ^^ Also the first one any of my peeps have ever gotten. Hooray!
I've been house-sitting for the bosses while they're on a sunny beach holiday. Been here since Monday, but I think I'll head home tomorrow. I miss the cat. And they're coming back on Friday. All I've really been doing here is playing WoW and eating. Good times.
Something special is supposed to happen this Friday, but it's already been postponed so many times that I don't believe it will actually happen until it's pretty much done. Further explanation and possibly pictures if it occurs. Don't hold your breath, though. Neither will I...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
For the Horde!
Also, just finished the next chapter of Sun-kissed, so there will most definitely be an update this weekend. The chapter still needs quite a bit of editing, but I really need to be awake for that. Now I'm not. ^^ The amount of smileys is clear proof of that.
Alo also, Blizzard is good. I spent countless hours playing the old Warcraft-games as a kid (I forget which one we had, though... should still have it somewhere), and every time I see a familiar name or hear a familiar sound I just squee. ^^
Also also also... there is no also also also. I'm off to bed, long day of work coming tomorrow. After that, the bosses will be gone for a week. A whole week! Oh joy! Guess what O'll be doing?! 8)
I guess there was an also also also after all. ^^
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The seminar was like one of those parties where a friend drags you, promising you'll have a good time. The friend knows everyone and you know no-one, nor what they're talking about. Except that the friend was my boss, everyone was wearing a suit, small-talk was expected and there was a meal with a lot of booze. It felt like a personal hell, but got easier after the first glass of most excellent red wine. ^^
Now it's 8 in the morning on Friday. And I have a large cup of tea. ^^
At least the shoes are Dr. Martens and the purse has a broken zipper. Now I feel sillier.
Off to Hell, sinking! \o/
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Oh joy.
Sun-kissed is almost back on track, I know where it's going again. If I get the chapter done I'll update this week. If not, next week. If not then either, I'ma gonna open a can of whoopass on myself. Don't like this inactive passive meh thing of doing nothing. Must do something.
Very tempted to start playing WoW again. I'm not much of a player, I've got several characters on a few realms, but the one I've played the most with is only lvl 30. And I don't play that well with others, I'd rather just solo everything. So why play something like WoW? Well, it is pretty. The quests are repetitive, but it's damn pretty. Still, the urge comes from time to time.
What else... my mom lost her job today. She's overjoyed. X) I can relate to that...
Ahh, London. I miss thee.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
These boots are made for walkin'.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Quiz thing
Your result for The Perception Personality Image Test...
NBPC - The Daydreamer
Nature, Background, Big Picture, and Color
You perceive the world with particular attention to nature. You focus on the hidden treasures of life (the background) and how that fits into the larger picture. You are also particularly drawn towards the colors around you. Because of the value you place on nature, you tend to find comfort in more subdued settings and find energy in solitude. You like to ponder ideas and imagine the many possibilities of your life without worrying about the details or specifics. You are in tune with all that is around you and understand your life as part of a larger whole. You are a down-to-earth person who enjoys going with the flow.
The Perception Personality Types:
I feel so accomplished.
I bought these cute laces from Heathrow the first time I was coming back: they're white with the Underground-logo printed all over them. They don't reach even halfway up of my boots but eh. They're pretty.
It's really beautiful outside, and I love the smell of yellow leaves.
That's all I got to say. ^^