Then we spent a day in Lecco, a small town by the lake Como. Then back to Milano, and on Friday I was flying home.

It's a trainee position so the pay won't probably be that great, but I really want to check it out, since it would pretty much be a dream job. I am aware I said the same about the last job, in England, which turned out to be a bloody nightmare, but ya hafta try, right? This job involves comics, it can't be all bad.
So I'll probably be heading out to Helsinki again tomorrow, as my current boss is driving there and promised to give me a lift. He just doesn't know why I need to get to Helsinki... he he.
Been drawing quite a lot (not many pictures but quite detailed ones) in the last few days and even wrote a little of Sun-kissed, so maybe I'm getting out of that pit of apathy little by little. I damn well hope so, it's a miserable place and I don't like it.
One more thing... PALJON ONNEA NOWKKU!!! ^^ <3