MySpace! It's a little bare, and the wallpaper is... well, at least it's not quite as loud as the wallpaper where I moved out of. But a new desk! A really really new desk! With a glass bit which I can use for drawing, and drawers, and red legs! Ikea. It's a scary place, but I do like this desk.
So, went to Prague last month with my girlfriend, who I'm living with now, after her previous roommate suddenly moved out. This place has more light, and is far closer to work, which is nice because it gives me more free time in the evenings, since I don't spend around an hour and a half on just getting home from work. Also, I can sleep half an hour more in the morning and still be at work in good time. Half an hour is a long time at that time of the night... I'm not a morning person.
Pretty much as soon as we got back, like three days later, my work colleague left for good, leaving me the only full-time slave in a position that requires at least two full-time people, preferably one part-time on top of that. There's a part-time worker, but with her school, she could only come to work a couple evenings a week. And did I mention that the biggest two-week sale came right after that? Which I had to pretty much organise? I was extremely surprised to make it through that alive, let alone with very few complaints! From the bosses, I mean. Complaints from me, there were plenty. I'm sure my friends were sick of the whining. But that's a week in the past now, and I can already be all stressed about organising christmas decorations around the shop. *headdesk*
TL;DR: Work is hell.
Is there anything else I should mention? It's been snowing, but the ground is still too warm/wet for it to really stick. It's too early for snow anyway. Hell, I'm still wondering what happened to summer. It was just here, wasn't it? And now we have to have all the xmas decorations up at work by the end of next week...
I'm having some sort of age crisis. It's just a number, I know. Nothing really changes when you hit a certain amount of years, I know, the change is gradual. Aging, I mean. But still. I've got a big birthday ahead of me in a few months, and I don't know if I should celebrate it or just hide under the bed with a big box of chocolate. With pretty much everyone I know spending the holidays abroad or with family or working, who to even celebrate with? Yeah, think I'll go with option B. Actually, that sounds like a very good idea for most days.
Ooh, almost ten in the evening, I can go to bed soon! And tomorrow, I can sleep in! Yay!