Wednesday, June 11, 2008

29 days, 696 hours! Well, it's almost 28 by now, this day is almost done.

I had a lot of things on my mind which I wanted to write about, but all that comes to mind right now is that the X gig is postponed due to Yoshiki's health issues. Sucks, but as long as he'll be all right I don't mind. That's the most important thing. distracted there for about half an hour. Now I really have no idea what I was going to write here. Most annoying.

I should be writing Sun-kissed, updating it again on Friday. Then next chapter Saturday next week, then Sunday the following week, etc. until the first part is done. And I still haven't finished even Saturday yet. Just have not had the time. Gaah. Or when I do have time, the new girl is sitting on her computer here. So far we only have one adapter, and this puppy won't run long without juice.

Just started to rain. It's been quite OH SHIT JUST REALIZED I LEFT THE FRENCH WINDOW OPEN IN MY ROOM!!! Shit, the rain will come inside. Better run. Crap.

Right. It's been so warm here that I'm sleeping practically naked. Usually I wear long pyjamas and woolly socks at least until midsummer. But now it is hot, partially because the sun shines onto my room's roof all day long.

Half an hour more till my laundry is done... right, better start writing then.


nowkku said...

heei hoii hani.
Pitää tulla jättämää kommentti, meil on ollu jostain syystä netti poikki muutamia päiviä, tää hidas yhteyskin on tökkinyt. En tiedä onko mun tekstiviestit tullu perille, kun ei ole mitään kuulun sieltä päin, mutta hengissä ollaan kuitenkii! Vaikkakin meinaa vieroitusoireet netistä iskeä. Päivitähän ees blogia että tietää mitä sinne kuuluu ;)


Kashii said...

Käskystänne! ^^ Taas on kiirettä pitän etten ole koneelle ehtiny, mut täs päivitystä vähäsen. Mut juteltiikii jo eilen! ^^ Tewkkui sinne kovasti ja hyvää Juhannusta jos ei sitä ennen olla puheloissa. =)
