Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No boom today.

37 days, 888 hours to go!

Yesterday we got a new worker here, so far she seems very nice, and a good worker. 18 years old, and likes comics! No one who likes comics can be all bad. ^^

Umm, did I actually have anything worthwhile to write here... still no official announcement from the organizers on whether X will be playing in Paris. Bah.

Noticed just now that my hair almost reaches my shoulders in the back, and stopped to wonder how it has grown so much in the few months I've been here. Then I realized that I've been here almost six months. So no wonder.

Oh yeah. I'm on Pages Unbound now!


It's a site for both writers of original fiction and people who want to read books/serials on the net. The story is still found on my other blog; this site just... pimps it. ^^

'puter is running out of juice since I can't plug the power cord in, borrowed my adapter to the new girl and she still has it... so, signing off for tonight!

1 comment:

nowkku said...

Koht sie jo tuut kotio \^^/
Jaksuja hani *haaaaali*