Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh joy.

Tomorrow I'll be spending the day in a law/insurance seminar. Wearing a suit. And after that, dinner with law and insurance people. Two things I know nothing about. Woopde-flippin'-doo. But it's free food and free booze and maybe I can doodle something during the lectures. Also, will be spending a long weekend at a friend's place, most likely watching too much Babylon 5. If it is possible to watch too much B5. I doubt it.

Sun-kissed is almost back on track, I know where it's going again. If I get the chapter done I'll update this week. If not, next week. If not then either, I'ma gonna open a can of whoopass on myself. Don't like this inactive passive meh thing of doing nothing. Must do something.

Very tempted to start playing WoW again. I'm not much of a player, I've got several characters on a few realms, but the one I've played the most with is only lvl 30. And I don't play that well with others, I'd rather just solo everything. So why play something like WoW? Well, it is pretty. The quests are repetitive, but it's damn pretty. Still, the urge comes from time to time.

What else... my mom lost her job today. She's overjoyed. X) I can relate to that...

Ahh, London. I miss thee.


Arielle Fragassi said...

Hehe, you play WoW because it's addicting!

I should know, I have 3 70's, a 63, and a 61... maybe that's why I'm failing.

Do you play on the US servers or the European servers?

Kashii said...

European servers. I'm so wimpy that I only play on PvE. :D

Three 70's? Wow, that's amazing. ^^ Mine barely get to their twenties because that's when I usually get bored and start a new one...

Arielle Fragassi said...

I've had my share of alts and restarts. I play with my fiancee so it helps. We level our characters together and push each other to quest and level. He has the same amount of 70's as I do and we're leveling a warlock/shaman duo right now. Trying to hit 70 on all our alts before the expansion. :P

We play on a PvP server, but I sometimes wish we were on PvE. Getting ganked gets old. >.<

Too bad you're on the European version, or I'd totally do the whole zomgplayonmyserver thing. Isn't that what everyone says when they meet someone who plays WoW? Hehe...