Went to see the Watchmen.
Personally, I think it rocked. It was far more colourful than the comic with its limitations (yeah, talking about literal colours) but every bit as dark and menacing. Had to close my eyes at the more graphic parts. Kind of would have liked to have seen it without having read the comic. As it is, I remembered what's going to happen next (at least in the comic) and what, if anything, was changed.
Obviously, when making a movie out of something so deep and layered, some things need to be left out, but the movie worked, and followed the bits it included quite religiously. And the music choices kicked ass. Can't go wrong with Leonard Cohen.
I'd read of the change made into the ending, and was dreading that it just wouldn't work, but it turned out all right. Quite willing to pay the 9 euros and numb my butt for a second time, given the chance.
The biggest surprise... seriously, the biggest surprise to me was seeing Dr. Manhattans glo worm all though the movie. I was sure they would have covered or cencored that. But no. Big blue joystick right in the middle of a huge movie screen. I foresee a rise in the sales of sparkly blue dildoes.
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