Earrings. The pearl I won at some jewellery lottery thing years ago. The blood drop bead is attached to an old earring, and the green one is greeeeeen.

Bracelets made from the beads in the sets. Selitän suomeksi kun en osaa. Helmet on siis pujotettu seteissä mukana tulleeseen ohueeseen metalli...juttuun. Ei ole suomenkielikään tänään hallussa. Oi voi.
The beads were strung haphazardly while watching Top Gear's Vietnam special. So I was kind of distracted...

And a picture of the bead bracelets and friendship bracelets I started to make a couple of weeks ago when my computer died the last time. Those thick ones took only 30-45 minutes a bop, the string was so thick. Now if I only learned to do other patterns beside the straight lines, properly.
So I'm not just sitting on my ass all day, waiting for it to get fatter! :>
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