Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yhtään kirjaa en vielä ole lainannut, ihan siitä syystä ettei noiden sarjisvuorien kanssa ole jaksanut kantaa. Chuck Palahniukin uusinkin löytyi, mutta se saa odottaa... jospa sen joskus saisi pokkarina omaksi.
Toinen ihkutettava juttu on että löysin tänään divarista aarteita. Martin Millarin Lonely Werewolf Girl -kirjan, joka on niitä harvoja Millarin kirjoja joita ei vielä hyllystä löytynyt. Jos ei lasketa Thraxas-kirjoja, joihin en ole tutustunut. Voisi niitäkin joskus lueskella. LWG on yllättävän paksu: muut hyllyssä olevat Millarit tuppaavat oleen korkeintaan 200-sivusia, mutta tämä paketti ylittää 500. ^^
Divarista löyty myös Ville Tietäväisen Linnut ja Meret, joka on (IMHO) kauneimmin piirretty suomalainen sarjakuva. In the world. Tarinakin on hieno, mutta tuo taide, ja ne vähäiset värit. Raks. Ihastuin siihen heti ensi lukemalla, ja nyt se on vihdoin omana. Näyttää LWG:n tavoin ihan iskemättömältä (mitä nyt divarin täti oli lätkässyt hintatarran ihan keskelle kantta (taitaa olla eka divarin täti jonka olen nähnyt, yleensä sedät pidelleet divareita. Tasa-arvoa, jee!)), mitä nyt nurkat hieman kärsineet. Hintaa sarjiksella oli viis euroa, ja kirjalla neljä.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tee oma bändimeemisi näin:
- ensimmäinen artikkeli tällä sivulla on bändisi nimi
- viimeisen lainauksen neljä viimeistä sanaa ovat albumisi nimi
- tämän sivun kolmas kuva on albumisi kansi.
Saanen esitellä hienon bändini: Banco Internacional de São Tomé e Príncipe. Listaykköseksi nouseva albumimme on Virtues you never had, ja sen kansi näyttää tältä:

Tykkään itse asiassa aika paljon tuosta levyn nimestä... :)
Monday, October 26, 2009
In the musicals
Let's start with Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tim Curry does Frank fantastically in the movie, but the role has also been played on London stages by Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from Buffy), who is also in Repo! The Genetic Opera. Also in Repo! we see, and hear, the lovely Sarah Brightman, who was the first Christine in the Phantom of the Opera, the one Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the part for, somewhat thinking himself as the Phantom. Right, so Webber wrote the music for the Phantom, and also for Jesus Christ Superstar. Yay!
Mr. Head also sings in a few episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and especially in the musical episode Once more, with feeling! which is a special episode of a TV-series, as is the Lexx musical episode Brigadoom. Ok, so that's stretching it a bit thin. But that only leaves out Dancer in the Dark and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.
I'm so tired but it's only nine in the evening... wahh. I've had Zydrate Anatomy from Repo! playing in my head all day long... I think I know the lyrics already.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh hi!
Tomorrow starts the last week of the best job I've ever had. It's good to know that work CAN be fun, even though it's a bitch having to start looking again.
Actually, I have been offered two jobs already, but... they are the jobs I've had before. Choosing between them is like choosing whether I want to die in a fire or by drowning. I'd really rather not.
But it has been a great summer, even though I've lived in an apartment in the middle of a huge plumbing ...thing. All the pipes are being changed in the whole building, and this is our sixth week without water. Not being able to cook, no problem. Microwave ovens exist. And hey, no need to do the dishes! Having to go to the toilet and shower in the public sauna downstairs, not much fun but doable. Not being able to do the laundry... problem.
The Dude abides, and I try to do the same. Without bowling.
(Just to remind myself: went LARPing last Saturday, which was kickass, and today took Undercity back for the Horde. Thrall and Sylvanas helped... a little. X) Who wants to live in reality all the time anyway...)
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Näitä sinisiä varten henkensä antoivat kaksi vanhaa halpiskorua, sinisiä ketjuja molemmat, joita käytin kenties kerran. Tähän ekaan on myös lisätty yksi sydän ranneketjusta, ja lasisydän. Sai nimekseen Siniset sydämet. Hurraa mielikuvitukselle!

Kuu ja tähdet sisältää lisää helmiä kaulakoruista, sekä kaikkea kivaa nilkkaketjusta. Eli siis tähtiä ja kulkusen, sekä sirppikuun korvakorusta. Nämä molemmat siniset on myytävänä/lahjoitettavana. Pyytämällä saa jos haluaa. :)

Tämän pidän itse, koska tuo punainen 'silmä' on ollut miulla jo vuosikaudet enkä siitä halua luopua. Koruosan ehdin jo liittämään kaulaketjuun testinä. Lasisydän on askartelupaskartelukaupasta, pisarahelmi korupakkauksesta, ja kulkuset edellisessä kuvatekstissä mainitusta nilkkaketjusta.

Simppeli mustista ja punaisista helmistä tehty kaulaketju, jossa roikkuu kauriin symboli. Eli soveltunee parhaiten kauriille. Etsii myös omaa kotia.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Fandom memes
Soon I'll get to go to bed... sooooooon...
List your 5 current favorite TV shows and answer the following questions.
1.) Babylon 5
2.) Six feet under
3.) Dexter
4.) Due South
5.) House
1. Who's your favorite character in #2? Ooh, tough one. I’ll go with David Fisher.
2. Who's your least favorite character in #1? MISTER Morden. One of the BEST scenes in the whole series is when he gets his comeuppance and Vir does his happy little wave.
3. What's your favorite episode of #4? I’ll say the last, two-part episode. Two Ray’s, Leslie Nielsen, Mounties… epic.
4. What's your favorite season of #5? Let’s say the first.
5. Who are you favorite 'ship in #3? There’s really only Dexter and Rita, and Deb and whoever they pair her up with this season… I refuse to acknowledge that horrid Marla Singer –wannabe from Season 2. So I’ll go with Dexter and Rita.
6. Who are your anti ship in #2? Why? Just started to watch the show again, and I don’t remember all the relationships of the characters along the five years… maybe Claire and Russell? If I'm understanding the term anti-ship correctly here.
7. How long have you watched #1? From the beginning to the end. Decided to check it out after it was advertised in the local Tolkien society’s magazine as something like Lord of the Rings in space, and back then I was really obsessed with LotR.
8. How did you become interested in #3? Because of Michael C. Hall. And my interest in serial killers.
9. Who's your favorite actor/actress in #4? Paul Gross. He’s awesome. I don’t know how he manages to keep a straight face all the time. Also, buddy breathing.
10. Which do you prefer; Season 1 of #2 or #5? #2, since I’m a bigger fan of #2, even though #5 has Hugh Laurie.
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of; #1 or #3? #1, since I’ve seen all 5 seasons of B5. Still on the middle of third season of Dexter.
12. If you could be anyone from #4, who would you be? Maybe
13. How would you kill off your favorite character in #1? Do I have to? I can’t even pick just one favourite.
14. Give a random quote from #5. Umm… “It’s not lupus.”
15. Which character in #2 do you love to hate/dislike? They’re all asses. *heart*
16. Would a #3/#4 crossover work? Woah. Fraser would really have to go South to find that killer… maybe he’d finally get out of that red uniform. Or then not. The writers would have a problem, who to pair Deb with, the Mountie or whichever Ray he brings along. Annnnnnnd now I’m imagining Dexter and Fraser paired up. Mmm. I'll need a moment here.
17. Pair 2 characters in #1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple. Ha ha, G’Kar and Londo. Not a good idea to mess with the creator.
18. Has #5 inspired you in any way? Not really, it’s just fun to watch and Hugh Laurie is awesome.
19. Overall, which show has a better cast; #2 or #4? They both have great casts. But if I have to choose, I’ll go with Six feet under.
20. Which has better theme music; #3 or #5? #5, Dexter.
The steady:
Final Fantasy VII. Seven years and counting. Always manages to throw something new at me, and I don’t mean the spin-offs. Some of those are good, some not. Zack is pure love.
The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp in the sheets:
Lord of the Rings. We were quite tight during my early teens, then again about a decade ago, and it’s still nice to get together now and again.
The one who seduced you and fucked you over and broke your heart in a million pieces and laughed about it:
Poison Elves. Why, Drew, why?! *bawl* Ok, maybe he wasn’t laughing, at least about his own death, but the heartache is there.
The mysterious dark gothy one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 a.m. at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized he really was fucking crazy:
Hellsing. Still not quite over this one. I like fucking crazy things. With big, completely insane shit-eating grins full of sharp, sharp teeth.
The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor, and whom you'd still really like to fuck again although you're relieved he doesn't actually live in town:
Watchmen, and From Hell, graphic novels. Those two can fuck me over any time, any place, screw the booze, but damn. Alan Moore is one scary man.
The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with:
Heroes. There’s interest there, oh yes… maybe some day.
The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with but ultimately you're just good buddies 'cause the friendship is there but the chemistry ain't:
Death Note. It’s great and a thrilling read, but… meh. Love L and his design, though. And the shinigamis. Just gorgeous.
The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool guy except it's never really gone anywhere:
Star Trek. Maybe we’ll get better acquainted one day.
The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at him and thinking, "Him? How the hell did he land all these cool babes?":
Scrubs. It’s funny, but is it really that good? No offence meant, of course.
The ones you repeatedly cheat on your steady with:
Yami no Matsuei, aka Descendants of Darkness. The lover I just can’t give up on. Don’t particularly want to, either. My guilty pleasure of some seven years.
Holy crap, blog entry #100! Party on, Wayne.
Trying desperately to stay awake
Went to see Nowkku and her man in the country (^^), and after I got home I started to feel really weak and dizzy. Figuring it was because I hadn't eaten any proper food that day, cooked some stuff which didn't have any taste in my mouth, despite putting a lot of salt and half a bottle of ketchup on it. In stead of feeling better, I felt worse, so I went to lie down and finished watching the fourh season of Babylon 5.
Apparently, I had managed to catch a stomach bug from somewhere. =p And if I'm sick, even just a little bit, I can't sleep. At all. I tried, but no success, so I thought to spend the long night doing something productive, like finishing a drawing I was doodling while watching B5. A fantasy picture of a dragon and its rider. I have a problem with drawing dragons: I ALWAYS forget to draw their wings. I still have several old pictures which have been drawn, inked and coloured before I realised that the damn things do not have wings even though they are flying. So I was giggling a little to myself while drawing, wondering whether I'd remember the wings this time.
3:20 in the morning, once I was ready with the rider, and started to ink the dragon, only to notice that the BLOODY THING DOES NOT HAVE ITS WINGS. That was easily rectified, though, and after finishing that picture, I did another one, and this time remembered the damn wings.
Come morning, I scanned the pictures so that I could add a little colour in PhotoShop, only to finally see the HORRIBLE mistake made with the damn wings. Painfully horrible. Poor dragon. All those hours spent on it, and it's so bad it can't even be fixed. (The second picture's not so horribly deformed, even if it has its fair share of mistakes. Drawing while sick and sleep-deprived is not such a good idea.)
But at least the stomach bug is going away. Yay!
Another thing that has to be mentioned: I GOT THE JOB! Weeeeeeee! It's a trainee position so I'll be going over to the unemployment agency tomorrow (or Friday if the bug's still bothering me tomorrow) to get all the papers that need to be filled. Paperwork. Yay. And then next Tuesday I'm going over to fill them, and figure out all the details. On Tuesday, because the shop's not open on Mondays. I get to work in a shop full of comics and music AND I don't have to work on Mondays! Sweet! It's also a part of the job to read as many comics as possible. The pay won't be great, but after two horrid jobs, I'm looking forward to doing something I'm (hopefully!) going to enjoy. And it's not like those other jobs paid well, either. In fact, I STILL haven't gotten all of my pay from the gig in England.
Wow, that's a lot of text. The subject line is because I'm writing this not to fall asleep right here. Already did, my hand still on the mouse, scrolling down a page. X) Kind of tired, but trying to stay awake until a sensible bedtime, so that I won't be up all of this night as well.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Coming and going

Then we spent a day in Lecco, a small town by the lake Como. Then back to Milano, and on Friday I was flying home.

It's a trainee position so the pay won't probably be that great, but I really want to check it out, since it would pretty much be a dream job. I am aware I said the same about the last job, in England, which turned out to be a bloody nightmare, but ya hafta try, right? This job involves comics, it can't be all bad.
So I'll probably be heading out to Helsinki again tomorrow, as my current boss is driving there and promised to give me a lift. He just doesn't know why I need to get to Helsinki... he he.
Been drawing quite a lot (not many pictures but quite detailed ones) in the last few days and even wrote a little of Sun-kissed, so maybe I'm getting out of that pit of apathy little by little. I damn well hope so, it's a miserable place and I don't like it.
One more thing... PALJON ONNEA NOWKKU!!! ^^ <3
Monday, May 11, 2009
At least I'm still reading, got a lot of books waiting in a pile for their turn. And I'm flying to Italy this Sunday to see a friend I've not seen since July 2007, so it's been way too long. Maybe the change of scenery will do some good.
So that's what's been up with me. Not a lot. We had a small thunderstorm today: first of the spring. They don't usually come this early here, and all I heard was one long, loud rumble. But still, I guess it means summer's on its way. It looks pretty outside. Would like to go out, but can't be arsed.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Pretty little things

Earrings. The pearl I won at some jewellery lottery thing years ago. The blood drop bead is attached to an old earring, and the green one is greeeeeen.

Bracelets made from the beads in the sets. Selitän suomeksi kun en osaa. Helmet on siis pujotettu seteissä mukana tulleeseen ohueeseen metalli...juttuun. Ei ole suomenkielikään tänään hallussa. Oi voi.
The beads were strung haphazardly while watching Top Gear's Vietnam special. So I was kind of distracted...

And a picture of the bead bracelets and friendship bracelets I started to make a couple of weeks ago when my computer died the last time. Those thick ones took only 30-45 minutes a bop, the string was so thick. Now if I only learned to do other patterns beside the straight lines, properly.
So I'm not just sitting on my ass all day, waiting for it to get fatter! :>
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Three things meme
1. Spiders
2. Losing people I care about
3. Deep places where I can’t see and/or reach the bottom
Three People Who Make Me Laugh
1. Nowkku
2. Ralf König
3. Randy Milholland
Three Things I Love
1. Comics
2. Tea
3. Cats
Three Things I Hate
1. Sports
2. Frustration
3. Politics
Three Things I Don’t Understand
1. Reality shows
2. Religion
3. People
Three Things On My Desk
1. Candle
2. Laptop
3. Tea mug
Three Things I Am Doing Right Now
1. Swaying to music
2. Writing this
3. Thinking about going to bed soon
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Write a book
2. Travel a
3. Love someone
Three Things I Can Do
1. Sushi
2. Draw
3. Make tea
Three Things I Can’t Do
1. Find a nice job
2. Lick my elbow
3. Find my favourite sweater
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To
1. Silence
2. Birds singing
3. Rufus Wainwright
Three Things You Should Never Listen To
1. Loud people; being loud doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about
2. Lawyers
3. Chris de Burgh
Three Things I Would Like To Learn
1. Patience
2. The meaning of life
3. To cook
Three Favorite Foods
1. Sushi!
2. Mozzarella pizza
3. This rice stew I make sometimes
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid
1. Princess Knight
2. Turtles
3. Fraggle Rock
I tag you, Nowkku! And now I go to bed.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thru the wire
Computer went and died on me about a week ago. I still haven't installed all programs, since it's a bit odd still. Little bugger...
Work is... yeah. Wish I could get another job, but this isn't the best of times to be looking for a job.
And now my jaw is hurting. Can't open my mouth properly, I don't know if it's the wisdom teeth on the right or what.
But it's not all bad! The boss will be in only for 2½ days next week; I'm seeing at least one of my friends this weekend, spent the weekend before last with Nowkku, and after Easter am going to the capital area for (hopefully) a long weekend. Easter is also great, a long weekend. Mmm.
Oh, here's a reading recommendation:
Basically it's a story about a snail on a roaring rampage of revenge. The horror! The angst! The terror of his enemies as they flee! The SUSPENSE! *gasp*
Saturday, March 7, 2009
"Somebody has to save the world"
Personally, I think it rocked. It was far more colourful than the comic with its limitations (yeah, talking about literal colours) but every bit as dark and menacing. Had to close my eyes at the more graphic parts. Kind of would have liked to have seen it without having read the comic. As it is, I remembered what's going to happen next (at least in the comic) and what, if anything, was changed.
Obviously, when making a movie out of something so deep and layered, some things need to be left out, but the movie worked, and followed the bits it included quite religiously. And the music choices kicked ass. Can't go wrong with Leonard Cohen.
I'd read of the change made into the ending, and was dreading that it just wouldn't work, but it turned out all right. Quite willing to pay the 9 euros and numb my butt for a second time, given the chance.
The biggest surprise... seriously, the biggest surprise to me was seeing Dr. Manhattans glo worm all though the movie. I was sure they would have covered or cencored that. But no. Big blue joystick right in the middle of a huge movie screen. I foresee a rise in the sales of sparkly blue dildoes.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
PhotoShop Phun!

Original photo, taken last summer on a late, sunny afternoon. I like the line of people falling down the base of the statue.

LAB colours fixed. That's how I remember it looking like!

And a sunset-version of the same image. I love really strong colours.
On a different note, I realized a little while ago that if I want to get over longing after London (which I do too much of, and which is not altogether a bright idea), it's not probably smart to have a large calendar with gorgeous photos of London right next to me, a poster of the Big Ben on my wall, to be reading books set in London all the time, not to mention writing (or trying to!) a story set in London... hell, I even have a playlist of songs that remind me of London.
At least I don't have a map of London on my wall... although, must admit, that's only because there's no space for it.
Regarding Sun-kissed, if anyone's reading this who might be interested, I'm thinking of a hiatus of few weeks, time off to try and find inspiration to write anything, and to get a bit of a backlog for it. Will see.
Friday, February 27, 2009
More toys!

From left to right: Zack Fair, old school Cloud Strife, Nanaki, Aeris Gainsborough, Cait Sith, Vincent Valentine, Reno of the Turks, Advent Children Cloud on his Fenrir (that thing is SWEET) and, last but never least, the one and only Sephiroth! *dun dun dunn!*
All are from Final Fantasy VII and its spin-offs. Zack is my favourite, has been from day one. Now that I have him, I consider my collection complete. Well, until they make figurines of Cid and Barret. Then I'll get the rest of the girls as well.

Some other toys... from left to right, hide-plushie (in front of him two small figurines, one of a fairy and one of three dragons), Moritz the dreamcatcher, Saara, my first toy ever (a Sarah Kay doll from the turn of the 70s and 80s), a few small figurines, a self-made plushie of my original character, and a small cat which used to belong to my granny. No one really knows where it came from.

A bigger picture of the shelves and their environment. Yes, those are Tolkien-style runes on the wall. And a Zack wall scroll. And a Cloud-plushie. ^^ I'm a callipygian geek.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I has a man!

Cloud: Mine's bigger, you know.
Zack: No way, Spike, MINE is. And wider. ^^
Interestingly, Zack's Buster sword is bigger. I thought it was supposed to be the same weapon.

This one was taken a second before my cat started chewing on Cloud's head. It's hard to take a photo when one's laughing one' ass off.
Cloud: ...It's right behind me, isn't it?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Eight inches of blunt fury
My dad turned 60 this Monday, and had visitors come over through the weekend. We got him an accordion. The guests all pretty much brought him booze. Whiskey and rum and brandy and vodka and so on. His workmates got him a 3 liter bottle of vodka. That thing is HUGE.
The weather has been pleasantry wintery. Cold, snowy, icy. Hmm, that isn't exactly pleasant, is it...
I seem to have lost all interest in writing. Again. This happens too often, and it's the same with drawing. The problem is, I have a lot to write. Sun-kissed is late, again, despite the fact that I have so many ideas for it. However, I still intend to finish it this year. Yes, even part 3, where much ass shall be kicked.
And then there's my fantasy stories. As they're planned now, I've got three long stories concerning the history of the world I've created, and then a fourth, far in the future, where the major plot of the first three is finally resolved. Aheh. Great plans and all that... But! I have been writing shorties for... the last one. Smart move, starting from the end. Should just take the bull by the horns and start writing something else than this.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Random meme
Here's a random meme, found it by googling... random meme.
What curse word do you use the most?
Little known fact about me: I swear like a fucking sailor. The F word, although my last boss taught me to use the C word. In Finnish, suosikkeja ovat vittujen kevät ja jeesuksen perse…
Do you own an iPod?
No, I stick to Sony Walkmans. Actually, I stick to Sony with every music player. Only brand I’m faithful to.
Who on your MySpace "Top 8" do you talk to the most?
What is that?
What time is your alarm clock set for?
What color is your room?
Light greeeeeeeeeeeeen with one dark green wall.
Flip flops or sneakers?
Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
Take it.
What was the last movie you watched?
Stranger than fiction for the third or fourth time just now.
Do any of your friends have children?
Only one.
Has anyone ever called you lazy?
Only me.
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster?
No. I sometimes drink sleepytime tea, which has some relaxing herbs, but that’s it.
What CD is currently in your CD player?
The first one by Poets of the Fall.
Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Chocolate, but I usually drink regular.
Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Have you ever given someone a hickey?
Umm, can’t honestly remember...
Who was the last person to call you?
Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
Most likely.
Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Yeah, cartoons and anything else my parents allowed. I watched a lot of TV as a kid, not so much anymore.
How many siblings do you have?
Are you shy around the opposite sex?
I’m shy around everyone, but am working to get over it.
What movie do you know every line to?
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert! The Listen here, you mullet... is my favourite quote.
Do you own any band t-shirts?
I should have a few of them, but can only remember Dir en Grey at the moment.
What is your favorite salad dressing?
Uh, the, uh, light brown stuff in the bottle…
Do you read for fun?
Whatever else for? I learn better by doing than reading.
Do you cry a lot?
I can be a real crybaby. But no.
Who was the last person to text message you?
My friend, before we went out drinking.
Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Both, but the desktop one is in storage currently, and I’m operating solely on the laptop.
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Kinda planning two tattoos.
What is the weather like?
Dark. It’s late. That’s all I can really say without going out to check. No, I won’t go out to check. You go.
Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
Sure. Tattoos, piercings, they’re all good.
Is sex before marriage wrong?
No. You do a test drive before buying a car, it’s only smart. So why wouldn’t the same go for marriage?
When was the last time you slept on the floor?
That is a good question. Back when I was a student, I had my mattress on the floor with no actual bed. That was cool.
How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
Six the least. Preferably eight.
Are you in love or lust?
Are your days full and fast-paced?
Not anymore, thank whatever higher power there may be.
Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
No. I’m such a picky eater that if I started to read what’s in the few foods I do eat, I’d stop eating those as well...
How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
Don’t remind me...
Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Have you ever been to Six Flags?
Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex?
I’m equally awkward with everyone.
Do you like cottage cheese?
Yes. Should buy some.
Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back?
Yes… I tend to roll around.
Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
No, but I’ve bid, bought and sold on the Finnish version.
Do you enjoy giving hugs?
Yeah. I get/give so few hugs that I might as well enjoy the ones that come my way.
What song did you last sing out loud?
Mama by My Chemical Romance as I walked home last Tuesday night.
What is your favorite TV show?
It’s a tie between
Which celebrity, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with?
Freddie Mercury. Or Neil Gaiman.
Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Can’t remember…
What one thing do you wish you had?
Right now? A job that doesn’t make me want to smash my forehead onto the closest wall on a daily basis.
Favorite lyrics?
Ooh, this is the hardest one. Let’s go with Rufus. Can’t go wrong with Rufus.
Men reading fashion magazines,
Oh what a world
It seems we live in
Straight men, oh what a world we live in.
Why am I always on a plane or a fast train
Oh what a world my parents gave me
Always traveling but not in love.
Still I think I'm doing fine
Wouldn't it be a lovely headline:
”Life is Beautiful” on the New York Times.
Rufus Wainwright, Oh what a world
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Internal spinal massager
1: Ota lähin kirja ja katso siitä sivu 18, rivi neljä. Kirjoita,
mitä siinä lukee.
but perhaps Alfred had not. It was a warhorse, as high at
2: Ojenna vasen kätesi niin pitkälle kuin pystyt. Mitä kosketat
3: Mitä katsoit viimeksi TV:stä?
Pushing Daisies.
4: Arvaa ilman kelloon katsomista, mikä aika nyt on.
5: Nyt katso kelloosi - mitä se näyttää?
6: Mitä muuta kuin tietokoneen kuulet nyt?
Kissan rellestystä ja Stiltskin - Footsteps
7: Milloin viimeksi kävit ulkona ja mitä teit siellä?
Just äsken kävelin kotiin töistä.
8: Missä nettisivulla kävit ennen kuin katsoit sähköpostisi?
En ole katsonut vielä sposteja tänään. :x
9: Millaiset vaatteet sinulla on ylläsi?
Harmaat paksut verkkarit, polviin asti yltävät sateenkaariraidalliset sukat ja vähän lyhyemmät villasukat, musta t-paita jossa on oranssi örkki joka sanoo FxCK YOU ja hymyilee sekä vanhan roosan värinen huppari jossa on kissoja...
10: Näitkö viime yönä unta? Millaista?
Viime aikoina on tullut nähtyä aika paljon outoja unia, muttei viimeöiset jääneet mieleen.
11: Mille nauroit viimeksi?
12: Mitä huoneesi seinillä on?
Taulu, peili, korkkitaulu täynnä lappuja ja muuta, pari hyllyä, isompi peili ja seinävaate jossa on Zack Fair. ^^
13: Oletko nähnyt mitään outoa viime aikoina?
Ei tule mieleen mitään erikoisen eriskummaa.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
First one (on Monday): to bleach some of my hair and then dye all of it red, to get red hair with brighter stripes.
Result: Failure. Forgot that my hair won't bleach properly, especially where it's been dyed previously. Ended up with carrot-y red from forehead to top, and the rest goes from dark red to purple (because one bottle of dye wasn't enough). Still, it's been worse.
Second one (today): to mix Bailey's to milky tea.
Result: 100% success. Mmm.
My right wrist, which sometimes gives me trouble, has been aching increasingly all day, so I should probably rest it. And keep it warm with lots of tea and Bailey's. Maybe watch some Due South, which is more amusing than I had remembered. ^^
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I love these...
Tagged by Nowkku again. =D
SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 85 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 239 films on this list. Copy this list, go to your own blog and paste this as a note. Then, put x's next to the films you've seen, add them up, change the header adding your number, and click post at the bottom. Have fun.
(x) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
( ) Boondock Saints
(x) Fight Club
( ) Starsky and Hutch
(x) Neverending Story
(x) Blazing Saddles
(x) Airplane
Total so far: 8
(x) The Princess Bride
( ) Anchorman
( ) Napoleon Dynamite
(x) Labyrinth
( ) Saw
( ) Saw II
( ) White Noise
( ) White Oleander
( ) Anger Management
( ) 50 First Dates
( ) The Princess Diaries
( ) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far: 10
( ) Scream
( ) Scream 2
( ) Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
( ) Scary Movie 2
( ) Scary Movie 3
( ) Scary Movie 4
(x) American Pie
(x) American Pie 2
( ) American Wedding
( ) American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 13
(x) Harry Potter 1
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
( ) Resident Evil 1
( ) Resident Evil 2
( ) The Wedding Singer
( ) Little Black Book
( ) The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 18
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) Finding Neverland
( ) Signs
(x) The Grinch
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
( ) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
( ) White Chicks
( ) Butterfly Effect
( ) 13 Going on 30
( ) I, Robot
( ) Robots
Total so far: 21
( ) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
( ) Universal Soldier
( ) Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( ) Along Came Polly
( ) Deep Impact
( ) KingPin
( ) Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
( ) Meet the Fockers
( ) Eight Crazy Nights
( ) Joe Dirt
Total so far: 22
( ) A Cinderella Story
(x) The Terminal
( ) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
( ) Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
( ) Dumber & Dumberer
( ) Final Destination
( ) Final Destination 2
( ) Final Destination 3
( ) Halloween
( ) The Ring
( ) The Ring 2
( ) Surviving X-MAS
( ) Flubber
Total so far: 24
( ) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
( ) Practical Magic
(x) Chicago
( ) Ghost Ship
(x) From Hell
( ) Hellboy
( ) Secret Window
( ) I Am Sam
( ) The Whole Nine Yards
( ) The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 26
( ) The Day After Tomorrow
( ) Child's Play
( ) Seed of Chucky
( ) Bride of Chucky
( ) Ten Things I Hate About You
( ) Just Married
(x) Gothika
( ) Nightmare on Elm Street
( ) Sixteen Candles
( ) Remember the Titans
( ) Coach Carter
(x) The Grudge
( ) The Grudge 2
(x) The Mask
( ) Son Of The Mask
Total so far: 29
( ) Bad Boys
( ) Bad Boys 2
( ) Joy Ride
( ) Lucky Number Slevin
( ) Ocean's Eleven
( ) Ocean's Twelve
( ) Bourne Identity
( ) Bourne Supremecy
( ) Lone Star
( ) Bedazzled
( ) Predator I
( ) Predator II
( ) The Fog
(x) Ice Age
( ) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
( ) Curious George
Total so far: 30
( ) Independence Day
( ) Cujo
( ) A Bronx Tale
( ) Darkness Falls
(x) Christine
(x) ET
(x) Children of the Corn
( ) My Bosses Daughter
( ) Maid in Manhattan
( ) War of the Worlds
( ) Rush Hour
( ) Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 33
( ) Best Bet
( ) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
( ) She's All That
( ) Calendar Girls
( ) Sideways
(x) Mars Attacks
( ) Event Horizon
( ) Ever After
(x) Wizard of Oz
(x) Forrest Gump
( ) Big Trouble in Little China
(x) The Terminator
( ) The Terminator 2
( ) The Terminator 3
Total so far: 37
(x) X-Men
(x) X-2
( ) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
( ) Spider-Man 2
( ) Sky High
( ) Jeepers Creepers
( ) Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
( ) The Little Mermaid
(x) Freaky Friday
( ) Reign of Fire
( ) The Skulls
( ) Cruel Intentions
( ) Cruel Intentions 2
( ) The Hot Chick
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
Total so far: 44
( ) Swimfan
( ) Miracle on 34th street
( ) Old School
( ) The Notebook
(x) K-Pax
( ) Krippendorf's Tribe
( ) A Walk to Remember
( ) Ice Castles
( ) Boogeyman
( ) The 40-year-old Virgin
Total so far: 45
(x) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 51
(x) Baseketball
( ) Hostel
( ) Waiting for Guffman
( ) House of 1000 Corpses
( ) Devils Rejects
( ) Elf
( ) Highlander
( ) Mothman Prophecies
(x) American History X
( ) Three
Total so Far: 53
( ) The Jacket
( ) Kung Fu Hustle
( ) Shaolin Soccer
( ) Night Watch
( ) Monsters Inc.
(x) Titanic
(x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(x) Shaun Of the Dead
( ) Willard
Total so far: 56
( ) High Tension
( ) Club Dread
( ) Hulk
( ) Dawn Of the Dead
(x) Hook
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
( ) 28 days later
( ) Orgazmo
( ) Phantasm
( ) Waterworld
Total so far: 58
(x) Kill Bill vol 1
(x) Kill Bill vol 2
( ) Mortal Combat (Kombat! Prkl!)
( )
( )
( ) the Hills Have Eyes
( ) I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
( ) The Last House on the Left
( ) Re-Animator
( ) Army of Darkness
Total so far: 60
(x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
(x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
(x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
(x) Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
(x) Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 68
(x) The Matrix
(x) The Matrix Revolutions
( ) Animatrix
( ) Evil Dead
(x) Evil Dead 2
(x) Team America: World Police
(x) Red Dragon
(x) Silence of the Lambs
(x) Hannibal
Total so far: 75
What the hell?! Lies, all lies! I do NOT have a life! *weeps*
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Inspired by Nowkku, it's a reading journal, about books I've read, mostly to remember myself what I've read, but someone else might also find something interesting there. =)
Also, started writing a new story. So maybe I'll get over my issues with Sun-kissed and continue that as well.
There's a storm rising...
In the year 2008
1. Mitä sellaista teit vuonna 2008 mitä et ole ajatellut tekeväsi aiemmin?
No... huolehdin kahden koiran olemassaolosta, hakkasin polttopuita, opin tekemään sähkötöitä, putkitöitä, puutarhanhoitoa, ~60-huoneisen talouden hoitoa, auton korjausta, ryömin seinien ja kattojen sisällä, 3-kerroksisen talon katon päällä ja katonrajassa sähkötöitä tekemässä... koko työkomennus sopii aika pitkälti tähän.
2. Piditkö uudenvuodenlupauksesi, ja teetkö enemmän ensi vuodelle?
En muistaakseni tehnyt lupauksia. Nyt tein kolme lupausta, ja tarkoitus on ne pitää.
3. Synnyttikö kukaan läheisesi?
Ei kukaan.
4. Kuoliko kukaan läheisesi?
Ei onneksi.
5. Missä maissa kävit?
Iso-Britanniassa ’kävin’ elokuun loppuun asti.
6. Mitä sellaista haluaisit vuonna 2009, jota puuttui vuodesta 2008?
Rauhaa. Omaa aikaa. Työn joka ei ime kaikkia mehuja.
7. Mitkä vuoden 2008 päivämäärät tulet aina muistamaan ja miksi?
Tarkkoja päivämääriä ei tule mieleen, mutta ainakin sen kun elokuun lopulla pääsin näkemään Phantom of the Operan Lontoossa, ja tapaamaan Phantomin varamiestä. Monia hienoja juttuja kyllä vuoteen mahtui, muttei tule mieleen yhtään erityisesti yli muiden.
24.11. kyllä taitaa jäädä aika hyvin mieleen kun paras ystävä ajoi kolarin.
8. Mikä oli suurin saavutuksesi tänä vuonna?
Katso kohta yksi. Rankkaa se oli, mutta opin enemmän muutamassa kuukaudessa kuin moniin vuosiin. Niin, ja sain vihdoin otettua (ensimmäisen) tatuoinnin!
9. Mikä oli suurin epäonnistumisesi?
Hmm. Sanotaan se etten piirtänyt ja kirjoittanut niin paljon kuin olisin halunnut.
10. Kärsitkö sairauksista tai vammoista?
En. *koputtaa puuta* Selkä ei tosin ole ollut entisensä puun käsittelyurakan jälkeen. Tai pienen metsän puiden, jos tarkkoja ollaan...
11. Mikä oli paras asia, jonka ostit?
Taitaa olla tuo pikkunen CD-soitin jota illalla kuuntelen ja joka peittää alleen melkein kaikkien asunnossa olevien (&¤%#¤% kellojen tikityksen.
12. Kenen käytös herätti hilpeyttä?
Ihanien brittien.
13. Kenen käytös masensi?
Pomojen. Luulin että työpanostani olisi sentään sen verran arvostettu että olisin saanut palkan ajallaan ja ilman tappeluja.
14. Mihin käytit suurimman osan rahoistasi?
Suklaaseen töissä ollessa. Muuten se on mennyt kirjoihin ja sarjakuviin. ^^
15. Mistä olit oikein, oikein, oikein innoissasi?
LONTOOSTA. Ja tatuoinnista. ^^
16. Mikä laulu tulee aina muistuttamaan sinua vuodesta 2008?
Vuoden 2008 tapahtumista/ajatuksista/tunteista The Arkin Tell me this night is over, David Byrnen versio Cole Porterin Don’t fence me in –laulusta tulevat ny ekana mieleen.
17. Viime vuoteen verrattuna, oletko:
a) onnellisempi vai surullisempi? Onnellisempi. Yhtä turhautunut, mutta onnellisempi.
b) laihempi vai lihavampi? Lihavampi. =p
c) rikkaampi vai köyhempi? Tällä hetkellä, köyhempi.
18. Mitä toivoisit tehneesi enemmän?
Tuossa tuli jo mainittua, että piirtäminen ja kirjoittaminen.
19. Mitä toivoisit tehneesi vähemmän?
Töitä. =L
20. Kuinka vietit joulua?
Tuossahan se rauhallisesti meni vanhempien, veljen ja kissojen seurassa.
22. Rakastuitko vuonna 2008?
Kyllä, uudestaan Lontooseen.
23. Kuinka monta yhdenyön juttua?
24. Mikä oli suosikki tv-ohjelmasi?
Only fools and horses, Vicar of Dibley, House, True blood, Dexter ja DVD:ltä Babylon 5.
25. Vihaatko nyt ketään, jota et vihannut viime vuonna tähän aikaan?
En. Viha on liian vahva sana.
26. Mikä oli paras lukemasi kirja?
Niitä on monta, joten sanotaan Chuck Palahniukin erinomainen Lullaby. Tosin James Learin Back Passage ansaitsee kunniamaininnan turkasen monista seksikohtauksista noin lyhyeksi kirjaksi.
Se lukupäiväkirja on hyvä ajatus =D
27. Mikä oli suurin musiikillinen löytösi?
My chemical romance ja Martha Wainwright.
28. Mitä halusit ja sait?
Kokemusta ja niin maan perusteellisesti. Hienoja muistoja, ja pienemmässä mittakaavassa koko Love & Rockets –sarjan.
29. Mitä halusit muttet saanut?
Palkkaa työstäni.
30. Mikä oli suosikkileffasi viime vuonna?
Old boy teki aikamoisen vaikutuksen.
31. Mitä teit syntymäpäivänäsi ja kuinka vanha olit silloin?
28 tuli täyteen. Sain (oman) kissan hoitoon, täti kävi kylässä, samoin ystävä poikansa ja äitinsä kanssa. Kakkua tuli syötyä liikaa. Siinähän se rennosti meni, joulupyhä kun oli.
32. Mikä yksi asia olisi tehnyt vuodestasi mittaamattomasti tyydyttävämmän?
Enpäs tiedä. Kai jonkunlainen selvyys elämässä, ja suunta mihin tästä lähtisi.
33.Kuinka kuvailisit henkilökohtaista pukeutumiskonseptiasi vuonna 2008?
Rähjäinen. XD Ihan siitä syystä ettei töissä mikään vaate pysynyt puhtaana viittä minuuttia kauempaa.
34. Mikä piti sinut järjissäsi?
”Huumorintaju ja kärsivällisyys.” Komps. =D Sekä ihanat ystävät.
35. Kenestä julkkiksesta haaveilit eniten?
Harrastanko sellasta... no pari kertaa kävi mielessä että ois aika hienoa jos Ewan McGregor tulisi prätkän kanssa ja veisi kauas pois, lasketaanko se? =D
36. Mikä poliittinen asia herätti eniten mielenkiintoasi?
Ei politiikka kiinnosta.
37. Ketä ikävöit?
Ystäviä ja perhettä Suomessa.
38.Kuka oli paras tapaamasi uusi ihminen?
No vaikka pomoista ja töistä tässä on valitettu, niin pomot oli kuitenkin varsin hauskoja tyyppejä joilta oppi paljon, töistä ja kaikesta muustakin.
39. Kerro arvokas elämän oppitunti jonka opit vuonna 2008.
Kaikesta selviää ja kaiken löytää jos on tarpeeksi itsepäinen ja vittuuntunut sivulta kuuluvaan kommentointiin. Ei kenties arvokasta mutta vittuperkele yhteen purtujen hampaiden välistä saa ihmeitä aikaan.
Siinä se. =) Saa tehdä! ^^
Friday, January 2, 2009
I made some resolutions, and to make sure I keep them (or at least try a bit harder at keeping them) I'm making them public. Well, as public as a blog no one reads can be. :)
So, here we go:
1. I will draw more. Comics and other stuff. Finish that 6-page comic that's been HALF-DONE for TWO years. Gah.
2. Start writing fantasy again. I have a big plot that will run through all the smaller plots I've been thinking about. I know the world, I know the characters, it's just a question of figuring out details and smaller plots and WRITING. (At the moment it's looking to be three loooong stories and then some more after a small jump in time. Small jump of about 2000 years...)
3. Finish Sun-kissed. All of it. I know the basic plot, and how it will end, so also just a question of getting off my lazy ass and writing. (I know next chapter is LATE. Sorry. Laziness, holidays, trying to avoid the computer during them... also, needed to do some research so that I won't write incorrect crap.)
So, there we are. If I start slipping from them, feel free, reader, to kick my ass. It's all right, I like a bit of pain. Mmm.