Thursday, October 29, 2009


Tänään on tullut lueskeltua muutamaa blogia, ja yhdestä löysin tällaisen kivan bändimeemin. Säännöt ovat seuraavat:

Tee oma bändimeemisi näin:
- ensimmäinen artikkeli tällä sivulla on bändisi nimi
- viimeisen lainauksen neljä viimeistä sanaa ovat albumisi nimi

- tämän sivun kolmas kuva on albumisi kansi.

Saanen esitellä hienon bändini: Banco Internacional de São Tomé e Príncipe. Listaykköseksi nouseva albumimme on Virtues you never had, ja sen kansi näyttää tältä:

Tykkään itse asiassa aika paljon tuosta levyn nimestä... :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

In the musicals

Since I seem to have little energy to do anything and way too much time to think these days, I realised one day that most of my favourite musicals are somehow connected.

Let's start with Rocky Horror Picture Show. Tim Curry does Frank fantastically in the movie, but the role has also been played on London stages by Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from Buffy), who is also in Repo! The Genetic Opera. Also in Repo! we see, and hear, the lovely Sarah Brightman, who was the first Christine in the Phantom of the Opera, the one Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the part for, somewhat thinking himself as the Phantom. Right, so Webber wrote the music for the Phantom, and also for Jesus Christ Superstar. Yay!

Mr. Head also sings in a few episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and especially in the musical episode Once more, with feeling! which is a special episode of a TV-series, as is the Lexx musical episode Brigadoom. Ok, so that's stretching it a bit thin. But that only leaves out Dancer in the Dark and Hedwig and the Angry Inch.

I'm so tired but it's only nine in the evening... wahh. I've had Zydrate Anatomy from Repo! playing in my head all day long... I think I know the lyrics already.