Monday, June 30, 2008

Sun-kissed excuses

Regarding Sun-kissed, today's chapter does seem like a bit of a cop-out, doesn't it? S was meant to meet Alby, but he had to cancel since it's against his chosen religion to leave the house on a Monday. His religion, which I hope to join one day, is called No Way In Hell Am I Getting Out Of Bed On A Monday -ism.

So instead, the girls just have sex all day long. You can imagine the details.


Ok, the truth? This one was really meant to be Tuesday, but I can't get Monday's chapter ready in time. Especially after a new plotbunny jumped at me from behind a corner, and I have to rewrite half of it. But it will be better than the original, I promise! Next Tuesday! It will also be the last chapter to come out before I go home. Weeeeeeeeee!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bat dung and updates

No auction for me last time, the bosses made it in time, but I did end up crawling between the inner ceiling and the roof, covered in bat dung after we noticed a leak in the hot water boiler. At 2:30 in the morning. So the day wasn't a total loss, right?

The bats around here are quite small and cute. When I'd water the plants on the backyard in the evenings, they would come and fly around. The new girl does the watering these days. 'New', she's been here a month already!

11 days left!

Just updated Sun-kissed. My initial idea was to update Monday's chapter tomorrow, but it's not finished yet and I don't know how much work there is still to do tonight, whether I can finish it today or not. I haven't yet decided whether to leave it until the following Monday or put it up as soon as I can finish it. Tuesday's chapter is already done and ready, though!

Umm, that's all I can think of right now. So, tooduloo!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The hills are aliiiiiiiiive...

14 more days! Two weeks! 336 hours! Then I will be done with this job! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

In the next chapter of Sun-kissed, coming this Sunday, everyone will be NAKED. So get to reading! Naked! ;) I'm sorry, I just bought a ticket home, so I'm a bit NAAAAAAKED! I mean happy. Not naked. If I were alone here I might be naked as well, but alas, I'm not. Yeah, that's what you all needed: a visual image of me naked. I apologize.

Today has potential of becoming quite interesting. The bosses are away in Brighton, but they have an auction to go to as well, in Slough, which is near London. And if their trip to Brighton gets delayed, I have to go to Slough and take part in the auction. I've never been in one, and am a bit nervous about the whole thing. But apparently the guy holding it is slow: he only sells about 70-80 lots per hour. That's SLOW?! There's over 900 lots to be sold.

Oh! Crisis Core is out in Europe! 8D Has been for almost a week already! I'm still debating whether to buy it, since I don't own a PSP. There's a game shop in Reading where they sell used ones as well as new ones, and they're not so pricey, so, thinking about it. I'd love to buy the game because of Zack (lovelovelove!) and the backstories and whatnot. Gackt being in it is just amusing (I respect the man very much for his musical talents and dedication to what he does, but damn it, he's everywhere!), but the thing that's put me off the game is what I've read of Squeenix's changes to the original story. That Sephiroth wasn't the only one of his kind (Genesis?), which was pretty much the thing that made him go cuckoo, thus causing ...well, everything in the game.

Silly Squeenix. Retconning is for fanwriters.

14 days!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Midsummer!

Here it's quite cold, rainy and windy, which is normal weather for Midsummer, at least in Finland. Although I remember that it was quite nice last year, almost too hot.

Umm, do I have anything to say... still alive, obviously. Barely. The day before yesterday I worked for about 14 hours straight, with barely any breaks in between. Yesterday 12 hours. Gahh. 19 more days!

After long days like that, relaxing in front of the telly usually wins over coming to the computer. Therefore I owe a lot of people e-mails. Sorry! And the latest chapter of Sun-kissed isn't as proof-read as I would like it to be. I have maybe a page's worth of text for the next chapter... funny, I had thought that getting another worker here would give me more free time and ease my workload. Instead we're just both working our asses off on different projects which seem to come from an endless supply.

19 more days... ehh, back to work I guess. Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Things I have found in my bra

A live spider



Shreds of leaves



Small pebbles



…we’ve done a spot of gardening here. A spot of about two weeks now. Phew. Filled up holes in the half a mile drive, pruned half the trees and bushes along the same, pruned down the things growing on the side of the house, and all the ‘hedges’ (as high as the house on most places) and the weeds of course as well. Most of these while standing on the top of a shaky ladder. And we also burned most of the trash created by all this, along with a conifer tree about 30 feet long. Phew again.

Six months here yesterday! 182 days! Three weeks and one day to go. Seems so long…

On Sunday, after a long day of pruning and cutting, the boss decided that he wants to take us all out to dinner! So we went to this place called the Swan, established 1642. And I finally had my first pint of beer in England, along with fish and chips. And damn but it was a good meal. Oh yes.

The new girl is still here, and seems to be staying, at least until August or so. And on Monday another new girl arrived, but she had a bit of a shaky start and left yesterday. Me, I’m almost done. Have to buy a ticket home soon! Wheeeee!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

29 days, 696 hours! Well, it's almost 28 by now, this day is almost done.

I had a lot of things on my mind which I wanted to write about, but all that comes to mind right now is that the X gig is postponed due to Yoshiki's health issues. Sucks, but as long as he'll be all right I don't mind. That's the most important thing. distracted there for about half an hour. Now I really have no idea what I was going to write here. Most annoying.

I should be writing Sun-kissed, updating it again on Friday. Then next chapter Saturday next week, then Sunday the following week, etc. until the first part is done. And I still haven't finished even Saturday yet. Just have not had the time. Gaah. Or when I do have time, the new girl is sitting on her computer here. So far we only have one adapter, and this puppy won't run long without juice.

Just started to rain. It's been quite OH SHIT JUST REALIZED I LEFT THE FRENCH WINDOW OPEN IN MY ROOM!!! Shit, the rain will come inside. Better run. Crap.

Right. It's been so warm here that I'm sleeping practically naked. Usually I wear long pyjamas and woolly socks at least until midsummer. But now it is hot, partially because the sun shines onto my room's roof all day long.

Half an hour more till my laundry is done... right, better start writing then.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Of dreams and wishes

"Be mindful of the prayers you send,
pray hard but pray with care.
For the tears you are crying now
are just your answered prayers..."

Those words by Nick Cave have been playing in my head for a few days now. I wished for so long that I could get another job and quit my old one. Then this one came along: artist's assistant. Blimey, working as something I studied for, and want to do! And not only that, but in Britain, and just a short distance from London, the city I love. Like a dream come true!

...more like a nightmare. X) Well, 33 days and it's over. Never would have thought I'd be happy when something that has been a dream of mine is coming to an end. But then again, this job has not been what I've expected. Hindsight is always 20-20. Should have found out more about the gig before coming here. But then again, I was so eager to come and live here that I would probably have come anyway.

Ehh, and also. It was a very nice day today. I was thinking in the morning how nice it would be to be outside on a day like today. That wish came true as well: filled out more holes in the drive & trimmed some hedges along it. If this place didn't feel like a prison before, then working by the road like a row of convicts did it.

The X gig is a month from today! Most likely it will be over by this time next month. They're apparently changing venues from the original exhibition place to somewhere else in Paris, which is why there has been no further information or confirmation of the gig by the French. There should be an announcement tomorrow.

...15 minutes till tomorrow. X)

I think there was something else as well, but I can't remember... the new girl still seems all right, and hasn't left yet. Hopefully she'll stay until September, as she's planning to. *touches wood*

Well, ta ta for now, I guess!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Some years ago I wrote a looooong FF7 fanfiction story. I just went to have a look on it on the website it's still hosted on, and noticed that they've gone and changed their settings so that the text in the story is now all bunched up. The dividers between scenes are all gone, and I liked to jump from one scene to another a lot. It looks horrible, and must be a bitch to read. Auuugh. I can either delete it, but that would also delete all the feedback I've gotten for it, or upload the whole thing again.

All 41 chapters. Re-edited. The whole 385 pages of it.


I've been wanting to rewrite it for a long time, but it's not likely I'll have the energy or time for that until I get back home. Five more weeks... good news is, the new girl seems to be settling in well, is not afraid of work and getting dirty, and plans to stay until September. Which is nice. Will make my leaving here much easier.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

No boom today.

37 days, 888 hours to go!

Yesterday we got a new worker here, so far she seems very nice, and a good worker. 18 years old, and likes comics! No one who likes comics can be all bad. ^^

Umm, did I actually have anything worthwhile to write here... still no official announcement from the organizers on whether X will be playing in Paris. Bah.

Noticed just now that my hair almost reaches my shoulders in the back, and stopped to wonder how it has grown so much in the few months I've been here. Then I realized that I've been here almost six months. So no wonder.

Oh yeah. I'm on Pages Unbound now!

It's a site for both writers of original fiction and people who want to read books/serials on the net. The story is still found on my other blog; this site just... pimps it. ^^

'puter is running out of juice since I can't plug the power cord in, borrowed my adapter to the new girl and she still has it... so, signing off for tonight!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

DO WANT. see them live.

hide is there! Just as a hologram, but still. Those wacky Japanese. What will they think of next? But seriously, if they play Art of Life during the gig in France, I might not survive it. If so, know that I died with a smile on my lips. It's my absolute favourite song. Seeing the live from New year's eve 1993 is enough to blow my mind. Hearing it actually live might be too much.

Annoyingly enough, the French still have not verified that X will be playing during the Japan Expo. I now have a ticket for that day, but no idea whether I need a separate ticket for the gig. There are a lot of other bands playing there that you can go and see with just the ticket for the expo, but this is X.


Learned a few things today while filling holes in the drive. When operating a large and heavy sledgehammer (to pack the new earth in the hole tightly), do not lift it so that you whack yourself with the butt of the handle on the chin. Also, I do not suggest dropping the sledgehammer, business end first, onto your big toe. Not onto any toe, but luckily my experience is limited only unto one toe. Both my chin and toe are fine, though. It's the rest of me that's dead tired. It's midnight and I've been working pretty much non-stop since 10am, so no wonder. Bleah. 39 more days... or maybe it's 38 already. Time does go by blessedly fast. Can't believe it's June already. My head is still somewhere in March.

Anyhoo, that's about it for tonight. Tooduloo!