Saturday, June 21, 2008

Happy Midsummer!

Here it's quite cold, rainy and windy, which is normal weather for Midsummer, at least in Finland. Although I remember that it was quite nice last year, almost too hot.

Umm, do I have anything to say... still alive, obviously. Barely. The day before yesterday I worked for about 14 hours straight, with barely any breaks in between. Yesterday 12 hours. Gahh. 19 more days!

After long days like that, relaxing in front of the telly usually wins over coming to the computer. Therefore I owe a lot of people e-mails. Sorry! And the latest chapter of Sun-kissed isn't as proof-read as I would like it to be. I have maybe a page's worth of text for the next chapter... funny, I had thought that getting another worker here would give me more free time and ease my workload. Instead we're just both working our asses off on different projects which seem to come from an endless supply.

19 more days... ehh, back to work I guess. Ta ta for now!

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