Saturday, June 7, 2008

Of dreams and wishes

"Be mindful of the prayers you send,
pray hard but pray with care.
For the tears you are crying now
are just your answered prayers..."

Those words by Nick Cave have been playing in my head for a few days now. I wished for so long that I could get another job and quit my old one. Then this one came along: artist's assistant. Blimey, working as something I studied for, and want to do! And not only that, but in Britain, and just a short distance from London, the city I love. Like a dream come true!

...more like a nightmare. X) Well, 33 days and it's over. Never would have thought I'd be happy when something that has been a dream of mine is coming to an end. But then again, this job has not been what I've expected. Hindsight is always 20-20. Should have found out more about the gig before coming here. But then again, I was so eager to come and live here that I would probably have come anyway.

Ehh, and also. It was a very nice day today. I was thinking in the morning how nice it would be to be outside on a day like today. That wish came true as well: filled out more holes in the drive & trimmed some hedges along it. If this place didn't feel like a prison before, then working by the road like a row of convicts did it.

The X gig is a month from today! Most likely it will be over by this time next month. They're apparently changing venues from the original exhibition place to somewhere else in Paris, which is why there has been no further information or confirmation of the gig by the French. There should be an announcement tomorrow.

...15 minutes till tomorrow. X)

I think there was something else as well, but I can't remember... the new girl still seems all right, and hasn't left yet. Hopefully she'll stay until September, as she's planning to. *touches wood*

Well, ta ta for now, I guess!

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