Thursday, June 26, 2008

The hills are aliiiiiiiiive...

14 more days! Two weeks! 336 hours! Then I will be done with this job! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

In the next chapter of Sun-kissed, coming this Sunday, everyone will be NAKED. So get to reading! Naked! ;) I'm sorry, I just bought a ticket home, so I'm a bit NAAAAAAKED! I mean happy. Not naked. If I were alone here I might be naked as well, but alas, I'm not. Yeah, that's what you all needed: a visual image of me naked. I apologize.

Today has potential of becoming quite interesting. The bosses are away in Brighton, but they have an auction to go to as well, in Slough, which is near London. And if their trip to Brighton gets delayed, I have to go to Slough and take part in the auction. I've never been in one, and am a bit nervous about the whole thing. But apparently the guy holding it is slow: he only sells about 70-80 lots per hour. That's SLOW?! There's over 900 lots to be sold.

Oh! Crisis Core is out in Europe! 8D Has been for almost a week already! I'm still debating whether to buy it, since I don't own a PSP. There's a game shop in Reading where they sell used ones as well as new ones, and they're not so pricey, so, thinking about it. I'd love to buy the game because of Zack (lovelovelove!) and the backstories and whatnot. Gackt being in it is just amusing (I respect the man very much for his musical talents and dedication to what he does, but damn it, he's everywhere!), but the thing that's put me off the game is what I've read of Squeenix's changes to the original story. That Sephiroth wasn't the only one of his kind (Genesis?), which was pretty much the thing that made him go cuckoo, thus causing ...well, everything in the game.

Silly Squeenix. Retconning is for fanwriters.

14 days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Koht sie tuut kotii \^___^/ En oo ehtint oikke päivitellä blogia, on olluna kaikenlaista tekemistä, mutta ehkä ens viikolla ^^

Sinnittele, kotomaa näkyy jo! ^^