Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I created this blog back in February 2007, but never wrote more than two posts. So now I'm starting again, as big things are happening.

Today I have:

- been offered a job in the UK for at least six months
- accepted it
- told my current boss I will be quitting soon
- packed some things at home
- stressed a lot and acted like a hyper kid.

Before leaving and stuff, I still need to:

- pack some more
- figure out what I'm taking with me
- get some Xmas and birthday presents to people
- send those out
- stress a whole lot more. I may not sleep for the next fortnight.

At this point, last day at current job: 17th December
First day at new job: 18th or 19th December. Yikes.

I am both terrified and terribly excited.

What will I be doing? Working as an artist's assistant. Gonna be very different from being a lawyer's assistant.

I'm gonna miss my cat. Friends and family of course, a whole lot, but they don't sleep next to me or purr and give kitty kisses.

Now I'm gonna try and get some sleep. Right, that'll happen!

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