Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Trying desperately to stay awake

Today has been quite interesting. For me, today started yesterday morning, since I didn't sleep between yesterday-today and today.

Went to see Nowkku and her man in the country (^^), and after I got home I started to feel really weak and dizzy. Figuring it was because I hadn't eaten any proper food that day, cooked some stuff which didn't have any taste in my mouth, despite putting a lot of salt and half a bottle of ketchup on it. In stead of feeling better, I felt worse, so I went to lie down and finished watching the fourh season of Babylon 5.

Apparently, I had managed to catch a stomach bug from somewhere. =p And if I'm sick, even just a little bit, I can't sleep. At all. I tried, but no success, so I thought to spend the long night doing something productive, like finishing a drawing I was doodling while watching B5. A fantasy picture of a dragon and its rider. I have a problem with drawing dragons: I ALWAYS forget to draw their wings. I still have several old pictures which have been drawn, inked and coloured before I realised that the damn things do not have wings even though they are flying. So I was giggling a little to myself while drawing, wondering whether I'd remember the wings this time.

3:20 in the morning, once I was ready with the rider, and started to ink the dragon, only to notice that the BLOODY THING DOES NOT HAVE ITS WINGS. That was easily rectified, though, and after finishing that picture, I did another one, and this time remembered the damn wings.

Come morning, I scanned the pictures so that I could add a little colour in PhotoShop, only to finally see the HORRIBLE mistake made with the damn wings. Painfully horrible. Poor dragon. All those hours spent on it, and it's so bad it can't even be fixed. (The second picture's not so horribly deformed, even if it has its fair share of mistakes. Drawing while sick and sleep-deprived is not such a good idea.)

But at least the stomach bug is going away. Yay!

Another thing that has to be mentioned: I GOT THE JOB! Weeeeeeee! It's a trainee position so I'll be going over to the unemployment agency tomorrow (or Friday if the bug's still bothering me tomorrow) to get all the papers that need to be filled. Paperwork. Yay. And then next Tuesday I'm going over to fill them, and figure out all the details. On Tuesday, because the shop's not open on Mondays. I get to work in a shop full of comics and music AND I don't have to work on Mondays! Sweet! It's also a part of the job to read as many comics as possible. The pay won't be great, but after two horrid jobs, I'm looking forward to doing something I'm (hopefully!) going to enjoy. And it's not like those other jobs paid well, either. In fact, I STILL haven't gotten all of my pay from the gig in England.

Wow, that's a lot of text. The subject line is because I'm writing this not to fall asleep right here. Already did, my hand still on the mouse, scrolling down a page. X) Kind of tired, but trying to stay awake until a sensible bedtime, so that I won't be up all of this night as well.

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