Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's STILL raining.

Or well, again.

Whoohee! Just last time I was whining that I haven't gotten any time off or anything, and the very next day I did! I got to go to town first thing in the morning to run some errands, and to do some of my own shopping (Maltesers! I could move here permanently just because there are Maltesers in every shop! <3 ). When I got back and finished my chores I was told that I could go to Reading, which is the closest cit (10 minutes by train) if I want to.

Of course I did! So back to town I walked, and then caught the train. Only 3 pounds for a return ticket, not bad I think.

In Reading I just sought out this huge shopping center, at the end of a street full of shops. It was Saturday, and the streets and shops were packed! I was zipping from one side of the street to the other: Book shop, chocolate shop, book shop, chocolate shop, book shop... you get the idea. Bought two books, some postcards, one CD (Rufus Wainwright's latest) and some sweets. Darkness fell at around five in the afternoon, but since the shops were open until six or so, the streets were still packed when I started to walk back to the station. Had my first Subway sandwich there, and some hot chocolate (with which I completely burned my mouth, ouch) while waiting for the train (which was late, heh).

One I got back to town it was pitch black and raining. And of course there are no streetlights anywhere near the road I have to walk to get back here, so it was an interesting walk. But I made it back safe and sound. My feet were killing me, though, from all that walking.

What else... a new girl from Finland came here yesterday, so I'm not the only worker here anymore! She's still adjusting to everything (hell, it took me a few weeks to adjust and I'm pretty adaptable), and I hope she'll stay a while.

More supergluing myself into the ceiling has occurred... the thing about that is that to glue the decorations back up, I have to first warm them with a hairdryer, until they're so hot I can barely touch them, to make them more flexible. The glue of course gets hot as well immediately, so it gets more than a few swearwords out of me whenever I manage to get stuck with piping hot glue to the ceiling. It's so strong that it tears off the skin when you pull yourself away! But, I have discovered that the best way to get it off my hands later on is by sandpaper. I used to take such good care of my hands, and now I'm tending to them with sandpaper. XD

I think I owe a lot of people an email, sorry! Even though I don't get back to you immediately doesn't mean that I'm not thinking of you. ^^

That's it for today, see you later!


Meliadhor said...

3 pounds? Arrrgh... wait... how far is that place? [in kilometers if ye can :3 ]

Ye superglued yerself to the ceiling? xD Aww.... it could've been worse~! Ever tried to lice a metal pole\lantern\whatever in winter [like - 10 Celsious degrees]? I once talked me friend to do so.... Mweheheh...

So what exactly are ye doing? These decorations - flowers or something?

Yust in case - certain umm... polyacrylic [Ke?] superglues tend to get 'hard' VERY fast on contact with water - BEWARE!
[it huuuurts when ye try to rip it off yer face... I know something 'bout it..]

Kashii said...

Reading is maybe 15 km away from here, I think. And Maltesers are these chocolate balls that have crispy honey-ish centers. Mmm, they're heaven. ^^

And yes, I've licked metal in the winter several times, since I don't learn from first experience. X) Getting the superglue off (or my fingers off the ceiling) is exactly like that, heh. This week, though, instead of superglue, my fingers have been covered in plastic which I used to protect some plaster molds. That and several types of grease have left my hands permanently dirty... <__<