Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy New Year!


I made some resolutions, and to make sure I keep them (or at least try a bit harder at keeping them) I'm making them public. Well, as public as a blog no one reads can be. :)

So, here we go:

1. I will draw more. Comics and other stuff. Finish that 6-page comic that's been HALF-DONE for TWO years. Gah.

2. Start writing fantasy again. I have a big plot that will run through all the smaller plots I've been thinking about. I know the world, I know the characters, it's just a question of figuring out details and smaller plots and WRITING. (At the moment it's looking to be three loooong stories and then some more after a small jump in time. Small jump of about 2000 years...)

3. Finish Sun-kissed. All of it. I know the basic plot, and how it will end, so also just a question of getting off my lazy ass and writing. (I know next chapter is LATE. Sorry. Laziness, holidays, trying to avoid the computer during them... also, needed to do some research so that I won't write incorrect crap.)

So, there we are. If I start slipping from them, feel free, reader, to kick my ass. It's all right, I like a bit of pain. Mmm.

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