Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh the wind, the wind is blowing...

Brothers. Sisters. Countrymen. I have seen the light. I have tasted that which is the sweetest thing ever:

Pour a bit of juice concentrate of your choice into a mug or glass, as if you were making a normal mug/glass of juice, but instead of water, fill it with MILK. Heaven, I tell you. Mmm-mm! It's like a milkshake, and takes about five seconds to make. Might be upsetting to the tummy, though, so drink with caution and not too much of it.

Things have been busy as hell here lately (and the net wasn't working for a while there...), but I can't complain that the work isn't versatile. Besides the usual stuff I have been a gardener, a metal worker, a carpenter and even a locksmith, and that's just the last week! I've built two trollies out of wood, dexion and wheels for large toolboxes (the size that two strong men could barely lift them, without the drawers in), and can now easily replace a broken lock spring into a door lock that is approximately 200 years old. Go me. ^^

What else is new... well, there's a bit of a storm going on here. Luckily no flooding around the house, just strong gales and rain. Although the skies are blue right now, it was raining heavily just a little while ago. Hopefully the worst of it is past us now.

A week from now I will have been here for three months. Crikey. Really does not feel that long. Halfway through the six months. I'm still completely lost with what I shall do once I go back to Finland, there are so many options. But there's still time to panic about that, and I have some plans forming. And right now I have other things to panic about, like learning to operate and record on a digibox-thing... I can barely manage a VCR!

Right-o. Off to work that out. Take care, everyone! Missing you... =)

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