Friday, March 21, 2008

I'm going slightly mad...

When the outside temperature rises, and the meaning is oh so clear.
(I know this one... spring is coming, right?)

1,001 yellow daffodils begin to dance in front of you,
(Wow. That's one impressive conga-line.)

Oh dear.
(Yes, darling?)

Are they trying to tell you something?
(Most likely.)

You're missing that one final screw...
(Thank you, Captain Obvious.)

You're simply not into pink my dear,
(That's a lie! I like pink.)

To be honest, you haven't got a clue...
(Tell me something I don't know...)

Speaking of nuts, I'm not the only one going bonkers here. The weather today has been CRAZY. I took one of the dogs out just now, thinking that I might as well, as the sun is shining so nicely. I got out, and it was raining. The sky above me was blue with white clouds, but it was still raining.

Walking to the end of the drive, the sun was shining to my back, the sky was blue above me, and in front of me everything was gray. Walking back here was spooky, as these huge gray clouds followed me and rolled all over the sky like a tsunami or something. The birds quieted, so the only sounds around me were the wind and the trees groaning because of it.

Once I got in, total darkness and thunder. Now, hail and sleet and snow.


Why am I losing it? Does the term 'mökkihöperö' translate? I don't have my dictionary here so I'll have to get back on you with that one. Let's just say that I need to get out more.

Why is the weather out of its mind? Beats me. But apparently it's only getting worse over the weekend. Hooray.

Now it's raining.

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