Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Back in the UK again...

...and I want to go home already. Well, ever since I got back to work, really. Ehh, it's not so bad, I guess, but it takes a while to get used to all this shit again. I had rather hoped (and prayed and wished and sacrificed a few virgins) that I wouldn't ever have to get used to this again. But I guess this means I can take another holiday in London before I go home. Whenever that will be.

So, second day here, and I've already fallen from a tree. Luckily I was only about six foot from the ground, and the branches below slowed my fall quite nicely. It must have been the slowest falling-from-a-tree ever. I was laughing by the time my ass hit the ground. What was I doing in the tree? Trying to pull down these weed-like things that grow all the way up in it. Because that's the kinda stuff you get to do in this job while there's nothing else to do. Wahey.

Sorry, I'm quite cranky. Want to go home. Bleh.

Umm, but I had a lovely time in Finland. Saw two of my dearest friends, my bro, parents and even a cousin. Drew one picture. Heh. Played a lot of Crisis Core. Didn't get any writing done.

Yesterday was kinda odd. Woke up extremely cranky a six, so that I could catch a bus to the airport after seven. I've never been less excited to fly. I love to fly! But yesterday the only thought on my mind started with 'f' and rhymed with duck. At least until I got to the gate.

The flight was overbooked, so I had been asked if I wouldn't mind volunteering to taking a later flight (2hrs later). I agreed, and that's what happened. There were two other volunteers, girls about my age. The two hours went by quickly, chatting with one of them and playing more CC. The flight also passed quickly since I was sitting next to that same girl, and we were chatting some more. Which was nice.

The earth below seemed completely covered with clouds, but they opened up a little when we got close to Britain, and gave us a marvellous view of London as the plane circled over it, waiting for permission to land. It was beautiful. The rest of the trip here went well, and now it's back to work work work. Hopefully not for too long, though.

I think that's it for now. Bye bye pretties!


nowkku said...

voe hani. *megajättirutistus* muista se mantra. Toivottasti piäset äkkiä sieltä pois.

ps. Kai muistit kertoo kuinka kaanis morsmaikku mää olin ;)

nowkku said...

Spämmään sun kommenttiboksia ^^

Mie näin viime yönä unta et oltii sun kaa Lontoossa. Se oli muka ihan hirmu pien paikka ja me oltii saavuttu laivalla Suomesta asti. Sit touhuiltii ja siel oli kirppareilla suomalaisii kirjoi myynnissä. Meinattii myöhästyy lähtevältä laivalta jostain kumman syystä ja sit mentiikii bussilla laivalle. Oli varsin viihdyttävä uni ^^