Thursday, August 28, 2008

Home again.

For good this time!

Ah, hard to believe it's been a week already since I left. Stayed in London for a few days again, and loved it. Even though I walked so much I thought my feet would kill me in my sleep. They still might: I bought new shoes that are very nice, but murder to wear. At least until they, or my feet, adjust a little.

Should I post some pictures from my adventures in London? I'll have a look through them, if there are any good ones.

London made me write! I got so many ideas for Sun-kissed at one part of London... won't say which, don't want to give anything away. And also... on Saturday, as I was walking on Oxford Street, trying to find a nice T-shirt, I was asked at one department store if I would like to get a free make-up. The lady managed to eventually talk me into it by saying that I would notice the difference... no doubt about that, lady. I'm not so good with make-upping...

Anyhoo, once she was done (I actually looked healthy!), she showed me the things she had used on me. And the lip gloss she had chosen for me from a few dozen colours... can you guess what that was called?

I kid you not: Sun kissed.

I had to buy it. It was clearly a sign that I have to get off my lazy ass and write. So I did. I FINALLY have Wednesday's chapter almost done. Over half of it. Close to 3/4 done. Next Wednesday, as promised, it will be uploaded. ^^

What else... went to see a Finnish version of Jesus Christ Superstar with N on Tuesday. It was very good, despite that it was shown at an outdoors theater... cold!

More or less settled in Finland, although I don't think my head has yet wrapped around the fact that I am really here.

Bought the Phantom of the Opera -movie. Liked it, but of course it can't compare with the stage version. ^^ Especially the Phantom's make-up... come on, I see scarier sights in the mirror most mornings!

Quoted Hill Street Blues last time... or the time before that, I forget. Funnily enough, it's starting as a rerun right about... now.

Let's be careful out there.

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